With Regards To Climates: Is There A Greater Population Of SebDerm Patients Living In Warmer Or Colder Climates In The USA?
It occurred to me that there could be more SebDerm patients living in colder climates, or the opposite, more patients living in the warmer climates, who have SebDerm. My hsb & I are thinking of moving to a warmer climate and would like to know about this. Do you think this info is available on this website's Medical Staff's statistics or maybe a medical organization for skin diseases? I think your health conditions are relevant to where you live a lot of the time. Do you think this is something… read more
I happen to live in a warmer climate and I noticed that winter time comes my skin and my scalp start to itch quite a bit but here in California when it's warm out I don't even notice it at all
I live in north central Alabama. Summers are hot here but we have high humidity. I’ve noticed that when my scalp gets sweaty the itching gets worse. In the winter here it can get very cold for short periods of time. Then being inside in the dry heated air, the dry flaking is worse. Seems like there are pros and cons to both.
I have also wondered this myself! Many have told me that cold weather aggravates the itching as we use the furnace more and in the warmer weather our skin and scalp stays moister. I hope that is true as it would provide some relief ! I shall find out as time goes by and hope for the best!
What Foods Are Likely Triggers For A Flare Up.?
How Does It Work
Which Remedy Helps The Most In Your Case With Da Itching?